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2023 AATS WTS Events

The 2023 WTS Membership Reception was held during the AATS Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, California, on May 6th at the Los Angeles Convention Center. We were honored to have Dr. Yolonda Colson, the first woman and 103rd president of the American Association for Thoracic Surgery, as our featured speaker during the reception. Thank you to AstraZeneca, Abiomed, Medtronic, Medistim, Terumo Aortic, Zimmer Biomet, and Boston Scientific for sponsoring the WTS during this prestigious conference.


Please enjoy the photos taken during the WTS Reception that are located in the Gallery.

2022 AATS WTS Events

The 2022 WTS Membership Reception was held during the AATS Annual Meeting in Boston on May 15th at the Sheraton Boston Hotel. Members and colleagues were reunited after a two-year hiatus due to Covid-19 with over 150 people in attendance! We were honored to have Dr. Rashmi Yadav, consultant cardiac surgeon at Royal Brompton Hospital in London, England, as our featured speaker during the conference, as were many of our WTS members. Thank you to Intuitive, Medtronic, Medistim and Wexler Surgical for sponsoring the WTS during this prestigious conference.

Please enjoy the photos taken during the WTS Reception that are located in the Gallery.

2020 STS WTS Events

The WTS Membership Meeting & Reception on Monday, January 27 at the Hilton Riverside in New Orleans was a great success! Thank you to Medtronic and Ethicon for sponsoring this event!

Check out our online photo album for more photos from the event.

2019 STS WTS Events

The WTS Membership Meeting & Reception on Monday, January 28 at the Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina had record breaking attendance and it is incredible how we have grown over the last several years. Thank you to Medtronic for sponsoring this event!

We were also pleased to have offered special WTS Educational Session featuring Drs. Jessica Donington, Mimi Ceppa, Jane Yanagawa and Robert Higgins. In this session, presenters addressed the need to recognize and define unconscious and implicit bias in our actions and provided tools to avoid the negative influence it may have on our actions and interactions with others. The lecture was captured in the format of a TED talk and the video is posted on


2018 STS WTS Events

Our Thoracic Surgery Membership Meeting & Reception on Monday, January 29 at the Hilton Fort Lauderdale Marina was a great success! Thank you to Ethicon for generously sponsoring this event. WTS is grateful for their continued support!

We were also delighted to offer the WTS Educational Session Drs. Shanda Blackmon and David Cooke discussed important aspects relevant to the successful introduction and implementation of new technologies in cardiothoracic surgery.

2017 AATS WTS Events

Our Thoracic Surgery Membership Meeting & Reception on April 30, 2017 in Boston, MA. Thanks to Ethicon and all who joined us at the 2017 AATS WTS Networking Reception!

2017 STS WTS Events

Featured Speakers: Mary Brandt, MD, Mark Katlic, MD, Leslie Kohman, MD, Valerie Williams, MD

Women thoracic surgeons and women thoracic surgeons in training

WTS Reception at the STS Monday, January 23, 2017, Houston, Texas. Featured speaker: Elizabeth Travis PhD. WTS gratefully thanks Ethicon support of the 2017 WTS Meeting and Reception.

Parallel Session: Early Riser 1; Career Transitions: How to Prepare for Life After the OR


2016 AATS WTS Events

30th Anniversary Women in Thoracic Surgery and Johns Hopkins Department of Surgery Symposium.

Speakers included:

Dr. Bob Higgins, Director, Department of Surgery and Surgeon – in – Chief, Johns Hopkins Medicine

Dr. Diana Gray, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and
Radiology, Washington University

Dr. Valerie Rusch, Vice Chair for Clinical Research, Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan Kettering

2016 STS WTS Events

30th Anniversary Celebration of Women in Thoracic Surgery: Innovations and Contributions of WTS and STS Members.

WTS 30th Anniversary Reception – Nora Burgess, MD will be the guest speaker.

WTS Early Riser Session: Patient-Centered Care and Research.


2015 AATS WTS Event

Thanks to all who attended the Women in Thoracic Surgery Networking Reception during the AATS Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA. This event featured a fantastic talk by Linda W. Martin, MD, MPH as the invited speaker. Dr. Martin gave a talk on her experience as the 2014 WTS/TSFRE Carolyn Reed Traveling Fellowship Recipient. Enjoy some photos from this event!

2015 STS WTS Events

Thanks to all who attended the WTS 2015 Annual Meeting and Reception in San Diego. Dr. Diane M. Simeone, MD was our WTS 2015 Annual Membership Meeting & Reception guest speaker. Dr. Simeone’s talk, titled, “Women and Leadership in Academic Surgery: Challenges and the Path Forward,” discussed the issue of second generation gender bias for women in surgery, and interventions that may be used at the individual, departmental and institutional level to help women achieve their full potential in academic surgery.

Dr. Diane Simeone is the Lazar J. Greenfield Endowed Professor of Surgery and Physiology at the University of Michigan Medical Center. She is the Director of the GI Oncology Program for the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center and the co-PI of the University of Michigan SPORE Grant in GI Malignancies. Dr. Simeone’s principal clinical interest is in the management of pancreatic neoplasms. She is the Director of the University of Michigan Pancreatic Cancer Center and Translational Oncology Program. Professor Simeone has multiple NIH grants investigating the molecular mechanisms important in the development and progression of pancreatic adenocarcinoma and her laboratory was the first to identify pancreatic cancer stem cells. She also leads several studies focused on developing an early detection blood test for pancreatic cancer. She has served as President of both the Society of University Surgeons and the American Pancreatic Association. Dr. Simeone serves on the Scientific Advisory Board for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, National Pancreas Foundation, and the NCI Pancreatic Cancer Task Force. Dr. Simeone is a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Science.

2014 AATS WTS Event

WTS’s Spring 2014 Networking Reception took place in Toronto Centre in conjunction with the AATS Annual Meeting. Thanks to everyone who attended! A special thanks to guest speaker, Dr. Ebithal Mersal, for delivering her talk, “Surgery From the Eyes of a Libyan Female Surgeon.

2014 STS WTS Events

WTS held its Annual Membership Meeting & Reception in Orlando, FL in conjunction with the STS 50th Annual Meeting. Over 100 WTS members and friends were in attendance. Thank you to everyone who joined us!

View the Reception slideshow acknowledging our 2013 Institutional Members.

Guest speaker, Dr. Bryan Vartabedian, delivered a talk to attendees about social media and medicine. Continue reading for further information about our featured speaker and his talk, The Public Physician – The emerging role of the physician in a connected, always-on world.

The world of medicine is changing quickly. The flow of information and the democratization of media has created a shift in the way doctors engage with one another and with their patients. Yet few understand what’s at stake for our institutions. Fewer understand the public physician or how to leverage her new role as publisher, creator and public thinker.

In a provocative presentation centered on the move of the provider from a silo’d existence into the wide-open world of networked intelligence, The Public Physician will focus on the pitfalls and opportunities associated with the physician’s digital presence.

Confronted with the challenge to reignite the relationships that once defined the medical profession, The Public Physician will offer education, motivation as well as a compelling argument for a doctor’s moral obligation to create and converse. Stories of personal transition will be used as a means of illustrating the power of a public presence. Dr. Vartabedian will offer the audience a timely and provocative view of the medical profession and its imperative to change.

The WTS Early Riser Session was held in conjunction with the STS 50th Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL. The course, titled Global Surgical Volunteerism, educated attendees on short-term surgical volunteer opportunities that exist for cardiothoracic surgeons. Guest speakers included Emily Farkas, MD; Kathleen Fenton, MD; and Virginia Litle, MD.

View slide presentations from the 2014 WTS Early Riser Session:

2013 AATS WTS Event

WTS’s Spring 2013 Networking Reception took place in Minneapolis in conjunction with the AATS Annual Meeting. Thanks to everyone who attended! View photos of the event on WTS’s Facebook page

2013 STS WTS Event

WTS held its 2013 Membership Meeting & Reception in Los Angeles. Thank you to everyone who attended!

Guest speaker, Debra A. DaRosa, PhD presented an excellent talk titled “Ultimate Multi-Tasking: Teaching and Assessing in the OR”. View photos from the 2013 WTS Membership Meeting & Reception. Thanks to Covidien for making the 2013 WTS Reception possible!

The 2013 WTS Early Riser Session was held in conjunction with the STS Annual Meeting in Los Angeles. The session, “Innovative Opportunities for Alternative Research and Funding,” featured presentations by Drs. Virginia Litle and Jennifer Lawton.

View slide presentations from the 2013 WTS Early Riser Session: