Become a Member

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Why become a member of WTS?

WTS is the only organization dedicated to the support and advancement of women in the field of cardiothoracic surgery. Founded in 1986 by a small group of passionate female cardiothoracic surgeons, membership has expanded into several categories and grown exponentially since then. Leadership, mentorship, collaboration and collegiality are amongst the benefits of membership in the organization, as well as focused prioritization of issues pertinent to women in our field. Find out what type of membership is right for you below.

WTS Membership Categories

Active Members

Annual Fee $300

Active membership of WTS shall consist of women holding the MD or DO degree, or their international equivalent, who have completed specialty training in thoracic surgery and whose primary activity and interest are cardiothoracic surgery. If you reside in the United States or Canada, select the Active Membership category when joining WTS. If you reside internationally outside of the United States and Canada, select the International Membership category. Click to apply through our Membership Account page.

International Members

Annual Fee $50

International Membership of WTS shall consist of women who have achieved appropriate certification or recognition of their achievements in thoracic surgery in countries other than the United States or Canada, and whose primary activity and interest are cardiothoracic surgery. Click to apply through our Membership Account page.

Candidate Members

Annual Fee $40

Candidate membership of WTS shall consist of women who are enrolled in a general surgery or a thoracic surgery residency training program in the United States or Canada or their international equivalent, or women who in the course of their secondary and college educations have expressed an interest in cardiothoracic surgery. Click to apply through our Membership Account page.

Associate Members

Annual Fee $300

Associates as a category of membership shall be reserved for individuals of all backgrounds who wish to demonstrate their support and dedication to the WTS mission. Click to apply through our Membership Account page.

Allied Health Members

Annual Fee $100

Allied Health Membership of WTS are all individuals having an interest in the field of thoracic surgery (including but not limited to research scientists, physician assistants, perfusionists, nurses, nurse practitioners, practice administrators, data managers and other health care professionals) shall be eligible for Allied Health Membership. Click to apply through our Membership Account page.

Institutional Members

Annual Fee $1,500

Institutional Members of WTS are organizations, institutions, and industry entities who wish to demonstrate their support and dedication to the WTS mission by underwriting its mission at a financial level to be determined by the Board of Directors. Click to apply through our Membership Account page.

Lifetime Members

Any Active member who has reached the age of seventy (70) years, or who submits a declaration of retirement from employment in the field of cardiothoracic surgery, and make a financial contribution to the WTS, may be eligible for Lifetime Membership. To become an Lifetime Member, please contact us directly at

Honorary Members

Annual Fee $0

Honorary Membership shall be reserved for those persons deemed worthy of such honor due to their support and dedication to the WTS mission. Honorary Members shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership. Click here for a list of WTS Honorary Members. For complete details about each membership category, please review the WTS Bylaws.


Check out Nora Burgess’s presentation from the STS reception celebrating our 30th Anniversary